The Wrap-Around God

The Wrap-Around God

The wrap-around-God that Psalm 18 talks about became very real to me this week. In the Passion translation it says, “You are the wrap-around God giving grace to me,” verse 30. The notes at the bottom of the page record “the Hebrew word used here for ‘shield’ means to...
Simple Ways for a More Meaningful Life

Simple Ways for a More Meaningful Life

Oh the joy, the sheer delight of planning. Doesn’t your heart skip a beat at the thought of it? No, then read on! For a successful lifestyle, planning is of major importance. Whether you’re planning a wedding, buying a house, changing jobs, or trying to figure out...
Flying Kites in the Wake of Destruction

Flying Kites in the Wake of Destruction

A couple of weeks ago, my friend Danna, my sister Terri, and I headed to Round Top, TX for a small private retreat. Danna and I had designed it for an opportunity to play, practice spiritual disciplines, and provide a space to engage in the presence of the Holy...
Why Rest is Crucial in Uncertainty

Why Rest is Crucial in Uncertainty

When there is uncertainty in life, you need the capacity to rest. If not, you become tired, anxious, tense, and may have the tendency to freeze instead of fight or take flight. In all the confusion that has assaulted us this past year, I awoke to the fact that in...
5 Steps for Being the Real You

5 Steps for Being the Real You

Have you noticed that the word authentic or authenticity is showing up more in articles and blogs? Are you wondering what it means and how it applies to you? In my reading of late, I’ve been encountering the word authenticity. When it first started happening, I would...