Do you have trouble relating to a good God when there is so much confusion and sadness all around? Does life feel like a maze of indecision and anxiety as you seek answers and direction? Hang on, there’s hope, my friend.

Witnessing atrocities daily through news and social media makes it hard to keep your eyes focused on who God says He is. In Psalm 18, King David calls on The Wrap-Around God who gives grace to those who cry out to Him in time of need. He’s our solid path when we’re looking for answers, even in dark places.

The good news is He’s present in your daily circumstances, pain, and isolation. You just need to identify Him in it. He’s there. Unfortunately, feelings of inadequacy, sadness, and not being enough (to name a few) blur our vision and keep us from perceiving where He is in it all. That’s why you must know Him for yourself so you can trust Him when disappointment and fear come knocking at the door of your heart.

In the book “The Gift of Being You, The Sacred Call to Self-Discovery,” David G. Benner teaches, we find our true selves by getting to know the character and nature of God that Jesus emulated on earth. He is our perfect example. He states,

“Jesus is the True Self who shows us by His life how to find our self in relation to God.”

The Holy Spirit will lead you step-by-step in learning who your true self is. We are all small bits of God’s bigness. He displays His many gifts and talents through all of us. The issue is learning to walk in your true self, not the self you have created. Unhealthy family expectations, pretense, and self-effort create a false self. As a result, this leads you to put on masks of who you want people to think you are.

Subsequently, triggers that develop from early traumas embed themselves and quench the desire to move forward. They keep you from looking ahead as you fixate on past failures that bring shame. With this in mind, for a future and a hope, no matter your circumstance, confinement, and pain, it takes putting one foot in front of the other and seeking truth moment by moment. No shortcuts or back alleys.

Jesus is our forerunner. He defeated everything so that you can live an abundant life, even in your human form, according to John 10:10. You won’t do it perfectly, as He did, but can get closer and closer by getting to know your creator and sin-bearer. He shows us the way. Your part is actively watching for answered prayer and listening for His still, small voice to guide you to the steps you need to take.

Two great resources for understanding where Jesus is in your humanity are Ephesians 2 and Graham Cooke’s books, podcasts, and teachings. Both give you different perspectives on how God sees us and how much He loves us.

Get to know Jesus through reading His Word, asking Him to reveal Himself in ways you’ve never seen before. Practice His Presence by getting out in nature and journaling your thoughts and feelings. Read or listen to scripture and devotions and then apply them to your life. You will recognize God’s character and nature growing in you by leaps and bounds.