Have you been in a crowd of people and felt lonely?  What’s up with that?

Studies show that loneliness can cause health issues, early death, and propensity for addiction.  Many say that our society is causing an epidemic of loneliness.

I just read a very interesting and informative blog on loneliness, What the Bible says about Loneliness and How to Overcome It. The author defines it as a reflection of whether or not you feel connected to others.

That definition makes sense to me.  There have been many times I have been at work, in church, or with “friends” and felt so lonely. Now I look back and realize I wasn’t connecting.  There was no relationship, just surface interaction. It was when I began seeking healing for the trauma in my life and taking ownership of my relationships that my life changed.

Read the New Version of Footprints in the Sand.  It will give you a beautiful picture of how Jesus meets with us and carries us through devastating times of loneliness and trauma.

I raised teenagers for 18 years!!! I began isolating myself with negative self-talk. I desperately needed affirming relationships during those years. So, I began walking into work and asking my coworkers to tell me something good about myself, something I was doing right! I reached out for affirmation and hugs and it helped me get through those difficult years.

God is all about relationship. He has a lot to say about how important community and fellowshipping is. I’m positive that Abraham, Moses, David, Jeremiah, Isaiah, and Jesus are some good examples of those who experienced loneliness. But, because of their relationship with their heavenly Father they could overcome and be world changers.

One of the characters in my book Restoring Shards of Shame, Jenny, exemplifies a very lonely person. She had three jobs but the only conversation she had most days was with herself. It was through the friendship of her boss and a friend that brought her out of her shell of protective isolation into a vibrant and healthy lifestyle.

I love watching relational movies like A Hundred Foot Journey, While You Were Sleeping, The Book Thief, and others. They start off with lonely, unhappy people that become transformed, physically and emotionally, when they experience true relationship and love. It’s so amazing how life-giving companionship can change your perspective on life and have good benefits on your health.

Wouldn’t it be awesome if there were Meetup groups for getting a safe hug and hearing words of affirmation? Wait a minute. That’s what church is supposed to be for!!

Are you ready to overcome loneliness? There are a lot of great books, articles, blogs, and videos of the importance of overcoming loneliness in your life. Take a step today and start changing your life for good.

Please leave a comment on how you have overcome loneliness. I’d love to hear suggestions of books and movies that you recommend on this subject.