My Way Maker

My Way Maker

Really struggling today. So much happening in our world that makes me want to pull the covers right over my head and stay in my safe cocoon. But as I know and you know, escaping just doesn’t work. I eventually have to face the cries of my body and demands on my time...
Arms Wide Open

Arms Wide Open

Do you long for peace in this mad, mad world we live in? When you picture a place that brings relaxation and restoration, what do you envision?  I’ve been thinking a lot about hospitality. Hospitality is sharing, caring, and providing for other’s needs. When I...
When We Don’t Know Why

When We Don’t Know Why

Have you had times in your life when things were not going as you planned or even imagined? That life had taken a turn that left you feeling hopeless and angry? In my time with Jesus this weekend, I didn’t voice it but my heart was heavy with why questions. Why am I...
Onward Through the Smoke

Onward Through the Smoke

I woke up the other morning with a phrase on my mind, smoke and mirrors. Something told me there was a tango coming. I got out of bed and headed for my computer to look the phrase up. The Cambridge Business English Dictionary defined smoke and mirrors as “an...
Overcoming Loneliness

Overcoming Loneliness

Have you been in a crowd of people and felt lonely?  What’s up with that? Studies show that loneliness can cause health issues, early death, and propensity for addiction.  Many say that our society is causing an epidemic of loneliness. I just read a very interesting...