As I prepared for 2022, my emotions were driving me in all kinds of directions. Tired, stressed, and afraid of what this new year might bring, I fought to regain peace and rest. I sensed I had a giant to slay.
On December 30th, I took time to look back at the past year in my journal. I wept through the painful, stressful times and pondered the healing that took place in them. Healing in my body, soul, and mind.
I paid attention to what my body was saying as I read. In hard times I held my breath, smiled in the sweet, and wept in the sad. When I tensed up or was desperate to escape, I took mental notes about the traumas I needed to address in my body.
I was reacting to the stress of the past. Sick, run down, and anxious, I had little energy. My body called out to be nourished and replenished with exercise, rest, pampering, and good nutrition. I needed to take better care of myself after running on empty for a while.
The truth I grabbed hold of is that as I trust in His goodness and follow His steps, He will see me through any circumstance. No matter how painful, no matter how dire, He’s there. My part is to embrace His goodness before I see it manifested. Rest in it. Then, I know no matter how giant my problems seem, He’s faithful.
I’ve already had many opportunities in 2022 to practice this. With a happy heart, I’m able to say it’s not been as hard as I imagined. As long as I remember the truth that nothing is impossible with God and fight with the Sword of the Spirit (Ephesian 6:18), I will overcome.
Reading and meditating on the 23rd Psalm (passion translation), if I want to have the heart of a giant slayer like David, I need to meditate on God’s goodness. “Even when your path takes me through the valley of deepest darkness, fear will never conquer me, for you already have!” verse 4.
So, what I’m seeking to embrace every step of every tango of life is His goodness, as I choose to follow Him. Step by step, moment by moment. And then, I’m learning to celebrate and acknowledge His goodness in His provision.
For a future and a hope!
If you would like to have a chat about how you are facing your giants, I’d love to hear. Or if you need someone to stand with you as you fight, I’m your gal. Contact me at and we’ll setup a time. Blessings.
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