There have been many times when I’ve spent time journaling with Jesus to find out later that a family member or friend is in trouble. When I look back, I began to realize these special ‘preparation’ times occur to prepare me for being intentional in seeking God, mindful in the moment, so I am capable to handle whatever the situation may be.
For example, quite a few years past, I visited a relative in Europe. The last night I was there, we got to bed very late. I was wide awake only two hours later. I had a feeling that something was up so I looked at the time and then prayed for a short while. At peace, I dropped back to sleep.
When my alarm went off, I recalled waking up during the night as I prepared for my trip home. I felt like something must have happened but not knowing what, I put my trust in Jesus.
On arriving in Austin, I asked my husband if anything had happened the night before. Ignoring me, he handed me the beautiful flowers he had brought me and led me to the car. I thought he just hadn’t heard me.
Settled at home, Jon came to me and told me something had taken place the night before. Our daughter, Calli, had been arrested and it happened at the same time I woke up the night before.
It was devastating news, but I recognized that the Holy Spirit had prepared me. He woke me up to look at the time so I would know God was in control of this situation. I had assurance that He would use it for good and He did. God is so faithful to perfect that which concerns me! Ps 138:8
I’ve realized that these special ‘preparation’ times happen so I’m ready. They’ve trained me to be intentional in seeking God, mindful in the moment, so I’m capable to handle whatever the situation may be.
One way I have learned to prepare is reading and praying scriptures that bring peace, such as Psalms 23 and 46. They solidify who God is in crisis and center me in who He says He is.
Then, I commit and summit anything that is going on to Him and then rest in the knowledge He is at work, because I’ve asked Him to. Many times, I pray in the Spirit, until I feel released or just move on to something else.
Next, I look at my calendar to see what has to be done and remind myself, God has this! I usually have to remember to eat and drink water, so that when the call or visit comes, I am ready.
I am not always cognizant that I am doing these things I described above. It has become a part of my subconscious that takes over in times of potential crisis. You can say I have retrained my brain in this.
When the Tango comes, I am prepared to enter in with peace and joy from the Holy Spirit. Nehemiah 8:10 says “Do not be grieved for the joy of the Lord is your strength”. The Hebrew word for strength here is “a place or means of safety, protection refuge, or stronghold.” So amazing!!!
Here are two good articles I would like to recommend. The first is on why getting spiritually fit is so important, 4 Reasons You Must Work on Your Spiritual Fitness. The other is an article I read that teaches on Nehemiah 8:10, The Joy of the Lord is My Strength. I hope they encourage you. They did me.
One of the most important things I have learned in this is that Father God is good, generous, kind, and reliable. Even in times of loss when we don’t understand. He will show Himself faithful even in your doubt. 2 Timothy 3:13 Leave a comment on what ways you have learned to stand strong in crisis or questions you may have regarding the topics I have described in my coping with crisis.
Thank you for sharing this story. The Lord wakes me up at times to pray and I am not always certain why until much later. It encourages me to know that God awakens us to pray and intercede on behalf of others even when we don’t know why at the time.