I’ve been in a time of wrestling, deep down in my soul trying to distinguish what my heart is saying as I listen intently to the Spirit. It’s a slow, deep tango with my whole attention on the next move.
As I talk about in my article New Beginnings, my husband and I are moving into a new season in our lives. We both know that in order for us to thrive in it, we must be committed to building healthy, meaningful relationships. They have to be at the forefront of our agendas. That’s difficult when we have demanding schedules, which most people do these days. So, the struggle is how do we balance relationships and timelines?
Relationships can be expensive. They take time, concentration, energy, and money. To be healthy, they require listening well, being transparent and vulnerable, and a willingness to go deep. Like a tango, good relationships depend upon intimacy and trust. I’ve found my part is to stay in the dance with Him as He directs my path, Proverbs 3:5-6.
I’ve spent many hours pursuing my relationship to the Lord through reading the Bible, investing in sound teaching, and fellowshipping with Him through journaling and prayer. Because of that, I have grown to know the character and nature of my God.
When I began to realize that relationship is an adventure God is calling me to, I began to see it differently. Any relationship can be risky, but when I learn to love as God does, put people over tasks, and be in the moment, I’m not only more fulfilled and joyful, but much more capable and confident.
Establishing and maintaining relationships, built on trust and intimacy, is crucial for my happiness. The wrestle is being accessible and willing to lay down my life for loved ones every day. With God, I know all things are possible for me to accomplish this!
I will discuss ways in which I have learned to trust God in relationships in my next article in Restoring Shards of Shame, so stayed tuned.
Like me, are you wrestling with relationship over task? Are there relationships in your life you need to be more intentional to build intimacy and vulnerability in? What steps do you need to take to accomplish this?
Totally being challenged in this way!